Renesas Stub Generator V.1.00 User Manual

Page 129

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Section 11 Samples

Rev. 1.01 Mar. 17, 2008 Page 117 of 128


__info.ulMarshallingType = 0UL;

__info.ulServerID = RPCSVR_ID_SMPL;

__info.ulServerVersion = RPCSVR_VERS_SMPL;

__info.ulServerProcedureID = RPC_SMPL_REF_TSK2;

__info.AckMode = RPC_ACK;

__info.pInputIOVectorTable = __input;

__info.ulInputIOVectorTableSize = sizeof(__input) / sizeof (IOVEC);

__info.pOutputIOVectorTable = __output;

__info.ulOutputIOVectorTableSize = sizeof(__output) / sizeof


__info.pulLastOutputIOVectorSize = &__ulLastOutputIOVectorSize;

__info.pulReturnValue = (UINT32 *)&ercd;

__input[ __ulInputParamCount ].pBaseAddress = &tskid;

__input[ __ulInputParamCount++ ].ulSize = sizeof(ID);

__output[ __ulOutputParamCount ].pBaseAddress = (UINT8 *)(pk_rtsk);

__output[ __ulOutputParamCount++ ].ulSize = sizeof(*pk_rtsk);

*rpc_retval_adr() = rpc_call( &__info );

return ercd;


ER ref_sem2 ( ID semid, T_RSEM * pk_rsem )


UINT32 __ulLastOutputIOVectorSize;

rpc_call_info __info;

UINT32 __ulInputParamCount = 0UL;

IOVEC __input[1];

UINT32 __ulOutputParamCount = 0UL;

IOVEC __output[1];

ER ercd;

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