Renesas Stub Generator V.1.00 User Manual

Page 136

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Section 11 Samples

Rev. 1.01 Mar. 17, 2008 Page 124 of 128


T_RTSK * pk_rtsk;

UINT32 __ulInputParamOffset = 0UL;

UINT32 __ulOutputParamCount = 0UL;

ER ercd;

tskid = *(ID *)( __pInfo->pucParamArea + __ulInputParamOffset);

__ulInputParamOffset += ALIGNUP4(sizeof(ID));

pk_rtsk = ( T_RTSK *)( __pInfo->pucParamArea +


ercd = ref_tsk2( tskid, pk_rtsk );

__pInfo->pOutputIOVectorTable[ __ulOutputParamCount

].pBaseAddress = pk_rtsk;

__pInfo->pOutputIOVectorTable[ __ulOutputParamCount++ ].ulSize =


__pInfo->ulOutputIOVectorTableSize = 1UL;

return ((UINT32)ercd);


UINT32 rpcsvr_SMPL_ref_sem2( rpc_server_stub_info * __pInfo )


ID semid;

T_RSEM * pk_rsem;

UINT32 __ulInputParamOffset = 0UL;

UINT32 __ulOutputParamCount = 0UL;

ER ercd;

semid = *(ID *)( __pInfo->pucParamArea + __ulInputParamOffset);

__ulInputParamOffset += ALIGNUP4(sizeof(ID));

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