1 click start on the windows desktop, 2 click control panel, 3 double-click network and dial up connections – RCA Rio Karma User Manual

Page 63: 4 click properties, 5 click internet protocol (tcp/ip), 6 click properties, 7 click use the following ip address, 10 type in the subnet mask field, 11 click ok, 12 click ok

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Rio Karma

Windows 2000

1 Click Start on the Windows desktop.

2 Click Control Panel.

3 Double-click Network and Dial Up Connections.

4 Click Properties.

5 Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).

6 Click Properties.

7 Click Use the following IP address:.

8 Click Specify an IP address on the IP Address tab.

9 Type 192.168.0.x (where x is a number between 2 and 254) in the IP Address


The new IP address should not be used by any other computers on your net-


10 Type in the Subnet Mask field.

11 Click OK.

12 Click OK.

13 Click Yes when prompted to restart your computer.