Artist, 1 press menu, 2 select play music – RCA Rio Karma User Manual

Page 23: 3 select artist, 4 select the first letter of the artist name, 5 select an artist, Album, 3 select album, 4 select the first letter of the album name, 5 select an album

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Rio Karma

:: Artist

To play tracks from a specific artist please follow these steps:

1 Press MENU.

2 Select Play Music.

3 Select Artist.

4 Select the first letter of the artist name.

5 Select an artist.

6 If present, select a single album or Play All Albums.

7 Select a single track or Play All Tracks to begin playback.

:: Album

To play tracks from a specific album please follow these steps:

1 Press MENU.

2 Select Play Music.

3 Select Album.

4 Select the first letter of the album name.

5 Select an album.

6 Select a single track or Play All Tracks to begin playback.