Orientation, 1 press menu, 2 select settings – RCA Rio Karma User Manual

Page 49: 3 select orientation, 4 select an orientation setting, Rio karma

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Rio Karma


The Rio Karma can be made more ergonomic for left handed users. When in Left handed mode, the LCD and con-

trols are reversed and the player can be used upside down with the RioStick on the left rather than the right.

1 Press MENU.

2 Select Settings.

3 Select Orientation.

4 Select an Orientation setting.

5 Select Done to apply settings or Cancel to return to the Settings menu.

Orientation settings include:

Right handed (the default setting)

Restores the player controls to their

default settings


Left handed

Sets the player controls to be more comfortable for left handed users.

When Orientation is set to Left handed, the player controls work in the following manner:


Up becomes Down, Left becomes Right, and vice versa.


Rotation directions are reversed.

VOLUME + and -

VOLUME + becomes VOLUME - and vice versa.