Riverstone Networks RS 2100 User Manual

Page 42

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4-2 Riverstone Networks RS 2100 Switch Router Getting Started Guide

Powering on the RS 2100

RS 2100 Initial Configuration

Here is a partial example:


When the software is fully booted, the following messages appears on the management console:

Boot Software Version prom-, Built Jan 5 2001 20:18:57

Processor: R5000 rev 2.1 [0x2321], 160 MHz, (bus: 80 MHz), 128 MB DRAM

I-Cache 32 KB, linesize 32. D-Cache 32 KB, linesize 32.

Mounting 16MB flash card . . . Done

Autoboot in 2 seconds - press ESC to abort and enter prom

using link: bootsource

link pointed at file:/pc-flash/boot/rs70/

source: file:/pc-flash/boot/rs70/

Loaded version file

Loading kernel (base 0x80001000, size 50592)

(base 0x8000d5a0, size 2658597)

100% - Image checksum validated


RS 2100 System Software, Version

Copyright (c) 2000-2001, Riverstone Networks, Inc.

Built by mhaydt@diego on Mon Jan 5 17:10:42 2001

Processor: R5000, Rev 2.1, 159.99 MHz

System started on 2001-10-01 15:27:01


2001-10-01 15:27:02 %SYS-I-FLASHCRD, Mounting 16MB Flash card

2001-10-01 15:27:06 %SYS-I-FLASHMNTD, 16MB Flash card mounted

2001-10-01 15:27:06 %SYS-I-INITSYS, initializing system RS 2100

2001-10-01 15:27:06 %SYS-I-DSCVMOD, discovered 'Control Module' module in slot CM

2001-10-01 15:27:11 %SYS-I-INITSLOTS, Initializing system slots - please wait

2001-10-01 15:27:18 %SYS-I-MODPROBE, Detecting installed media modules - please wait

2001-10-01 15:27:23 %SYS-I-INITPORT, initialized slot CM/1, port 1

2001-10-01 15:27:23 %SYS-I-INITPORT, initialized slot CM/1, port 2

2001-10-01 15:27:23 %SYS-I-INITPORT, initialized slot CM/1, port 3...

Press RETURN to activate console...