Chapter 4: driver installation, Windows 98 driver software – NETGEAR MA 101 User Manual
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CHAPTER 4: Driver Installation
Windows 98 Driver Software
Installing Driver Software
To install the NETGEAR MA101 Wireless USB Adapter LAN driver for the first time in Windows 98:
Follow the procedure described in the hardware installation chapter to install the MA101 Wireless
USB Adapter.
Upon connection, Windows 98 automatically detects the existence of the MA101 Wireless USB
Adapter. An Add New Hardware Wizard window opens. Click on “Next” to continue.
In the next Add new Hardware Wizard window, select “Search for the best driver for your device
(Recommended).” Click on “Next”.
The next Add New Hardware Wizard window opens prompting for the location of the driver. Insert
the MA101 USB adapter Resource CD into the CD-ROM drive. Click to select the CD-ROM drive.
Click on “Next”.
In the next window, Windows indicates that a Windows driver file is found and is ready to install the
best driver for this device. Click on “Next”.
Click on “Finish” when informed that the driver installation is complete.
Click on “Yes” when asked if you want to reboot the system.
The MA101 Wireless USB Adapter driver is now installed into your Windows 98 system.
Verifying Driver Installation
From the Windows 98 desktop, double-click on My Computer.
Double-click on Control Panel. Double-click on the System icon.
Click on the Device Manager folder tab.
Double-click on Network Adapter. There should be no yellow exclamation mark or red cross-sign on
the MA101 Wireless USB Adapter selection.
Double-click on the MA101 Wireless USB Adapter. The Device Status windows should indicate that
the MA101 USB adapter is working properly.
The installation of the MA101 Wireless USB Adapter driver in Windows 98 is now completed. Proceed to
configuring the wireless parameters.
Note: It is recommended that you install the included configuration utility for the MA101 adapter
configuration. The utility installation procedure is shown in the Wireless LAN configuration chapter.