NETGEAR FVL328 User Manual
Fvl328 cable/dsl prosafe high-speed vpn firewall

Everybody’s connecting.
FVL328 Cable/DSL ProSafe High-Speed VPN Firewall
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the FVL328 Cable/DSL ProSafe High Speed VPN Firewall?
FVL328 is a network security device used to connect a Local Area network (LAN) securely via a broadband
Internet connection to many other private LANs or individual remote users. It can also be used as a
standalone firewall behind an existing router. The product provides 100 VPN tunnels and Stateful Packet
Inspection (SPI) true firewall functionality.
2. Is the FVL328 a router?
Yes, it is a router and much more. The FVL328 provides all the functionality of a Network Address
Translation (NAT) router, plus many more security features.
3. What is significant about the FVL328?
FVL328 provides additional security to the network in that it provides five significant features that do not
exist in conventional NAT routers:
100 tunnel VPN End point support with IPSec 3DES encryption capability
Static content filtering (URL, URL keywords)
Denial of Service (DoS) prevention through Stateful Packet Inspection
Logging, reporting and alerts (Intrusion Detection System)
Greatly increased performance using a high-speed CPU
4. What is the difference between the FVL328 and NETGEAR’s previously shipping FVS318?
The FVL328 has new features that provide better performance and functionality than the FVS318.
Specifically, the FVL328 has:
Better WAN-to-LAN throughput (50+Mbps)
Support for 100 hardware-encrypted VPN tunnels (FVS318 has support for 8 software encrypted
Better 3DES VPN tunneling throughput (15Mbps)
One of the lowest prices-per-port of any comparable VPN router product in the industry
A wider array of compatibility with other VPN products on the market, as demonstrated in testing by
the VPN Consortium
5. What is Virtual Private Networking?
Commonly known as a VPN and defined differently by different entities, it is a group of two or more
computer systems, typically connected to a private network (a network built and maintained by an
organization solely for its own use) with limited public-network access, that communicates “securely” (via a
VPN “tunnel”) over a public network, such as the Internet. VPNs may exist between an individual machine
and a private network (client-to-server) or a remote LAN and a private network (server-to-server). Security
features differ from product to product, but most security experts agree that VPNs include encryption,
strong authentication of remote users or hosts, and mechanisms for hiding or masking information about the
private network topology from potential attackers on the public network.
6. What is VPN end point, and what can it do?
VPN end point capability within a router provides the ability to initiate a VPN tunnel to some other location
that supports either a VPN client (client-to-box) or has VPN end point capability (box-to-box).