NEC SIGMABLADE N8406-020 User Manual
Page 119

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The port data rate can be changed in the following two ways.
Select either of the ways depending on the use of the FC Switch Module.
Changing the rates of all ports at a time
Type "switchcfgspeed x" to change the port data rate.
Value "x" is a new port data rate.
4 for 4G bps or 2 for 2G bps
WH040000350:admin> switchcfgSpeed 4
The port data rates of all external and internal ports of an FC Switch
Module can be changed at a time.
Changing data rates in ports
Type "portcfgspeed x y" to change the data rate of a specific port.
Value "x" is the number of the port whose data rate is to be changed.
N8406-019: internal ports 1 - 8 / external ports 17 - 20
N8406-020: internal ports 1 - 16 / external ports 17 - 23 and 0
Value "y" is a new port data rate.
4 for 4G bps or 2 for 2G bps
WH040000350:admin> portcfgspeed 17 2
The information on each port on the FC Switch Module can be
changed individually.
After the settings are changed completely, type "portcfgshow".
Make sure that the new data is reflected on the screen display. The processing is completed if the
data rate of each port is changed to the new data.