Ride, traction & performance – New Holland TG Series User Manual

Page 22

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Tractors used in drawbar work only.
Generally these tractors are not equipped with
a 3-point hitch or PTO and are used to pull
standard pull type implements such as disks,
chisel plows, field cultivators, rippers, etc.
Tractors in this type of application should be
ballasted with no more than 55% of the weight
on the front axle.

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Tractors used for scrapers or other
implements with high vertical loads.
Tractors in this type of application should be
ballasted with 65% of the weight on the front
axle. This should allow the tractor to achieve a
50/50 weight split while operating under load.
If the tractor is equipped with a 3-point hitch
or PTO it may not be possible to achieve this
level of balance and still stay within the
maximum operating weight limitations. If this
is the case, adjust as close as possible to the
65%-35% specification, and stay within the
maximum operating weight limitation.

Ballasting 4WD Tractors - Drawbar Applications

Ballasting 4WD Tractors - 3-Point Hitch Applications

Tractors used for 3-point hitch work only.
Tractors in this type of application should
be ballasted with 60% of the weight on the
front axle.

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HHHHiiiittttcccchhhh MMMMoooouuuunnnntttteeeedddd IIIImmmmpppplllleeeemmmmeeeennnnttttssss

Ballasting 4WD Tractors - High Vertical Load Applications

This manual is related to the following products: