National Instruments VXI-MIO Series User Manual
Page 132

VXI-MIO Series User Manual
National Instruments Corporation
general purpose counter 1 clock source signal
A collection of digital ports, combined to form a larger entity for
digital input and/or output. Groups can contain analog input,
analog output, digital input, digital output, or counter/timer
channels. A group can contain only one type of channel, however.
You use a task ID number to refer to a group after you create it.
You can define up to 16 groups at one time. To erase a group, you
pass an empty channel array and the group number to the group
configuration VI. You do not need to erase a group to change its
membership. If you reconfigure a group whose task is active,
LabVIEW clears the task and returns a warning. LabVIEW does
not restart the task after you reconfigure the group.
The physical components of a computer system, such as the
circuit boards, plug-in boards, chassis, enclosures, peripherals,
cables, and so on.
hardware triggering
A form of triggering where you set the start time of an acquisition
and gather data at a known position in time relative to a trigger
hertz—A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second.
integrated circuit
Integral Nonlinearity—A measure in LSB of the worst-case
deviation from the ideal A/D or D/A transfer characteristic of the
analog I/O circuitry.
input range
The difference between the maximum and minimum voltages an
analog input channel can measure at a gain of 1. The input range
is a scalar value, not a pair of numbers. By itself the input range
does not uniquely determine the upper and lower voltage limits.
An input range of 10 V could mean an upper limit of +10 V and a
lower of 0 V or an upper limit of +5 V and a lower limit of -5 V.
The combination of input range, polarity, and gain determines the
input limits of an analog input channel. For some boards, jumpers