NextBase SDV37-SD User Manual

Page 29

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Recharging the battery pack


R echargi ng the battery pa ck as described below.

Co nnect the DC output plug of AC adapter to the battery pa ck.

Co nnect the AC ad apter to the power outlet.

When rechargin g starts, the rech arge LE D lights i n red.
The rec harge LE D turns off when recharg ing com pletes. R emove the powe r cord
from ba ttery pac k.
Rechar ging usu ally com pletes in about 4 ~5 hours .

The battery pa ck can b e used f or about 300 cycl es of rec harging and ope rations,
thoug h this is v ariable dependi ng on the operati ng conditions.

Charg e the ba ttery pac k fully before usi ng it for the first t ime.

Place the battery pack and AC adapter on a flat surface f or recharging.
Do not short-ci rcuit the terminals of the battery pack and AC adap ter.


T he batte ry charg er(AC ad apter) is compat ible with supply v oltage b etween
1 00 and 2 40 V AC and can be used universally.
W hen you want to use it on an over seas tra vel, how ever, be sure to p repare
a power p lug adap ter matc hing the local po wer outl et.

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