NextBase SDV37-SD User Manual

Page 10

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Operation of the battery pack

Ch arge the battery pack ful ly before
us ing it for the first time.

When the s urround ing temp erature
is high, the battery pack ma y
so metimes be unus able due to
ac tivation of protec tion circ uitry.

When the p ortable DVD pla yer is
po wered fr om the b attery pack and
if t he playe r has no t been operated
for about 1 0 minute s with th e power
sw itched o n, the player will turn off
au tomatica lly. (Aut o power off)
Th e battery pack and the po rtable
DV D playe r becom e hot during use.
Th is is not malfunc tion.

When the b attery p ack is no t to be
us ed for a l ong peri od, be sure to
rem ove it f rom the portable DVD
pl ayer. If th e batter y pack is left
att ached, c ontinua l flow of weak
cu rrent ren ders it o verdisch arged
an d eventu ally unu sable ev en when
yo u try to c harge it later.

If the porta ble DVD player is switche d
on while th e battery pack is not fully
ch arged, t he opera tion may
so metimes be unst able. Be sure to
ch arge the battery pack full y before
us e.


soot, etc ..

When th e batter y pack is stored f or
a long p eriod, at least on ce a yea r
it is reco mmende d to dis charge it
fully on the porta ble DVD player,
recharg e it fully and store it again .

Service life and dispos al

Whe n the ch arging time or av ailable
ope ration time becom es extr emely
sho rt, the ba ttery ma y reach the end
of it s life. Th e battery pack ca n be
use d for abo ut 300 c ycles of
rech arging a nd oper ations.

To d ispose o f a used battery pack,
wra p a piece of tape around t he
term inal sec tion and treat it i n
com pliance with you r local
regu lations.


Danger of explosion i f battery is
incorrectly replaced.
Repl ace only with the same or
equiv alent type.

The battery pack should be stored
under an surrounding temperature

between 15

a nd 25

. Avoid storing

it under extrem ely low temperatures,
in a place with h igh temperature and
high hu midity o r in a place subject to




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