NETGEAR MR814 User Manual

M r 8 1 4

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M R 8 1 4

4-p o r t W i r e l e s s Ro u t e r

w i t h 1 0 / 1 0 0 M b p s S w i t c h

S e c u r e l y S h a r e Yo u r C a b l e / D S L I n t e r n e t –
W i t h o r W i t h o u t W i r e s !

When you connect your cable/DSL modem to the NETGEAR Wireless Router, you’ll enjoy

wired or wireless Internet access for all your computers, and be assured of protected

communications on your home or small office network. This 3-in-1 Router + Switch +

Wireless Access Point is a base station that allows you to share your Internet connection,

files and printers with other computers on the network. Your communications and network

are thoroughly safeguarded both ways, from the inside out and the outside in. True firewall

with Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) and Network Address Translation (NAT) monitors and

blocks unwanted traffic from entering your network, shielding your network from hackers

and wireless eavesdroppers. Internet activities are always safe because web-address filtering

gives you control over any contact network users have with web sites. There’s also Freedom


Personal Firewall software included, free. This is the full-version software for 8 PCs (a $240

value) to block ads, manage your passwords, and prevent applications from sending your

personal information over the Internet. And thanks to the unique Smart Wizard, you can

install this router with ease.

Designed specifically for home and small office use with Plug and Play installation. You’ll be surfing
in minutes. The Install Assistant guides you through each step, and on-screen help is there when
you need it. The unique Smart Wizard technology automatically detects your ISP connection type –
saving you time and effort. On the front are lighted icons that display network status at a glance.
Works with PC and Macintosh


platforms, and virtually all Ethernet devices, and it comes with a

vertical stand to save desk space. NETGEAR even includes the cable for your first computer to save
a trip back to the store.

True firewall with SPI and NAT to track and filter connections coming in from the Internet
to your network, giving you powerful protection against Internet hackers. VPN (Virtual
Private Network) pass-through allows users secure access to corporate networks. Powerful
encryption (40/64 or 128-bit) protects against eavesdroppers, and Address Authentication
restricts connections to specific wireless adapters – only those you approve are allowed to use
your network. E-mails notify you of Internet activity. Content logging and filtering limit
access to inappropriate web sites.

Roam your home and office with the freedom of a Wi-Fi notebook computer. Distribute
MP3s, digital movies, and photos via ultra-fast, wired LAN ports capable of speeds of 200
Mbps. Pre-programmed port forwarding setups simplify playing multi-player games and hosting
Internet services. Shares a single broadband connection with up to 253 users, giving everyone
simultaneous access to the Internet. Delivers double the memory and a 50% faster CPU than
many popular routers.

Sleek, modern case, a patented design, stacks neatly with other NETGEAR products. The 3-year
warranty means you can count on your wireless router for built-to-last reliability ÛÛ- NETGEAR
uses only high-quality components.

S i m p l i f i e d

O n G u a r d

T a l e n t e d

S m a r t l y

D e s i g n e d

Everybody’s Connecting.

• Help is there when you need it!

NETGEAR provides 24x7
telephone and e-mail technical
support* in English with selected
local language support during
office hours.