Netopia 4752 User Manual
Page 128

11-18 Administration Guide
Enter the First and Last Port Number between por ts 1 and 65535. Select OK and press Return. You
will be returned to the Add NAT Ser ver screen.
Enter the Server Private IP Address of the ser ver whose ser vice you are expor ting.
Since MultiNAT permits the mapping of multiple private IP addresses to multiple public IP addresses, your
ISP or corporate site’s router must be configured such that it knows that your multiple public addresses are
accessible via your router.
If you want to use static mappings to map internal ser vers to public addresses, your ISP or corporate site's
router must also be configured for static routes to these public addresses on the Netopia Router.
Enter the Public IP Address to which you are expor ting the ser vice.
Note: For PAT map lists and ser ver lists, if you use the Public Address, the list will acquire its public IP
address from the WAN IP address specified by your WAN IP configuration in the Connection Profile. If that is a
static IP address, then the PAT map list and ser ver lists will acquire that address. If it is a negotiated IP
address, such as may be assigned via DHCP or PPP, the PAT map list and ser ver lists will acquire that address
each time it is negotiated.
Select ADD NAT SERVER and press Return. The ser ver will be added to your ser ver list and you will be
returned to the Add NAT Ser ver List screen.
Note: CUSeeMe (or other ser vices that listen on specific por ts) through MultiNat works as it did for
non-MultiNat releases prior to version 4.4. In order to use CUSeeMe through the Netopia Router, you must
expor t the por ts 7648 and 7649. In MultiNat, you may use a por t range expor t. Without the expor t, CUSeeMe
will fail to work. This is true unless a static mapping is in place for the host using CUSeeMe. In that case no
ser ver list entr y is necessar y.
Other Exported Port
First Port Number (1..65535): 31337
Last Port Number (1..65535): 31337