Warning – NISSAN CVT SIC0697 User Manual

Page 188

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1. SUMMER tires are of a tread design to

provide superior performance on dry pave-

ment. However, the performance of these

tires will be substantially reduced in snowy

and icy conditions. If you operate your vehicle

on snowy or icy roads, NISSAN recommends

the use of MUD & SNOW or ALL SEASON

tires on all four wheels. Please consult your

NISSAN dealer for the tire type, size, speed

rating and availability information.

2. For additional traction on icy roads, studded

tires may be used. However, some provinces

and states prohibit their use. Check local,

state and provincial laws before installing

studded tires.

Skid and traction capabilities of studded

snow tires, on wet or dry surfaces, may be

poorer than that of non-studded snow

3. Tire chains may be used if desired. Make sure

they are of proper size for the tires on your

vehicle and are installed according to the

chain manufacturer’s suggestions. Use of tire

chains may be prohibited according to loca-

tion. Check the local laws before installing

tire chains. When installing tire chains, make

sure they are of proper size for the tires on

your vehicle and are installed according to

the chain manufacturer’s suggestions. Use

only SAE Class S chains. Class “S” chains

are used on vehicles with restricted tire to

vehicle clearance. Vehicles that can use

Class “S” chains are designed to meet the

SAE standard minimum clearances between

the tire and the closest vehicle suspension or

body component required to accommodate

the use of a winter traction device (tire chains

or cables). The minimum clearances are de-

termined using the factory equipped tire size.

Other types may damage your vehicle. Use

chain tensioners when recommended by the

tire chain manufacturer to ensure a tight fit.

Loose end links of the tire chain must be

secured or removed to prevent the possibility

of whipping action damage to the fenders or

underbody. If possible, avoid fully loading

your vehicle when using tire chains. In addi-

tion, drive at a reduced speed. Otherwise,

your vehicle may be damaged and/or vehicle

handling and performance may be adversely


¼ Never install tire chains on TEMPO-

RARY USE ONLY spare tires.

¼ Do not use tire chains on dry roads.
Tire chains must be installed only on the

front wheels and not on the rear wheels.
Do not drive with tire chains on paved roads

which are clear of snow. Driving with chains in

such conditions can cause damage to the vari-

ous mechanisms of the vehicle due to some

4. For all wheel drive:

If you install snow tires, they must also be the

same size, brand, construction and tread

pattern on all four wheels.


It is recommended that the following items be

carried in the vehicle during winter:
¼ a scraper and stiff-bristled brush to remove

ice and snow from the windows and wiper


¼ a sturdy, flat board to be placed under the

jack to give it firm support.

¼ a shovel to dig the vehicle out of snow-drifts.
¼ extra window washer fluid to refill the reser-

voir tank.



¼ Wet ice (32°F, 0°C and freezing rain),

Starting and driving

