Cold weather driving -30 – NISSAN CVT SIC0697 User Manual

Page 187

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is designed to help improve driving
stability but does not prevent acci-
dents due to abrupt steering opera-
tion at high speeds or by careless or
dangerous driving techniques. Re-
duce vehicle speed and be especially
careful when driving and cornering
on slippery surfaces and always drive

¼ If engine related parts such as muf-

fler are not standard equipment or
are extremely deteriorated, the ve-
hicle dynamic control off indicator
light and slip indicator light may
come on.

¼ Do not modify the vehicle’s suspen-

sion. The vehicle dynamic control
system may not operate correctly.

¼ If suspension parts such as shock

absorbers, struts, springs and bush-
ings are not standard equipment or
are extremely deteriorated, the ve-
hicle dynamic control system may not
operate properly and the vehicle dy-
namic control off indicator light may

come on.

¼ When driving on extremely inclined

surfaces such as higher banked cor-
ners, the vehicle dynamic control sys-
tem may not operate properly and the
vehicle dynamic control off indicator
light may come on. Do not drive on
these types of roads.

¼ If the tires other than the recom-

mended ones are used, the vehicle
dynamic control system may not op-
erate properly or the vehicle dynamic
control off indicator light may come

¼ The vehicle dynamic control system

is not a substitute for winter tires or
tire chains on a snow covered road.

¼ When the vehicle is on a conveyance

such as a ferry, the vehicle dynamic
control off indicator light and slip
indicator light may come on. This is
not a malfunction. Restart the engine
after departing the conveyance.


To prevent a door lock from freezing, apply

de-icer or glycerin to it through the key hole. If

the lock becomes frozen, heat the key before

inserting it into the key hole.


In the winter when it is anticipated that the

temperature will drop below 32°F (0°C), check

antifreeze to assure proper winter protection. For

additional information, see “Engine cooling sys-

tem” in the “8. Maintenance and do-it-yourself”



If the battery is not fully charged during extremely

cold weather conditions, the battery fluid may

freeze and damage the battery. To maintain

maximum efficiency, the battery should be

checked regularly. For additional information,

see “Battery” in the “8. Maintenance and do-it-

yourself” section.


If the vehicle is to be left outside without anti-

freeze, drain the cooling system by opening the

drain plug located under the radiator. Refill

before operating the vehicle. See “Engine cool-

ing system” in the “8. Maintenance and do-it-

yourself” section for changing engine coolant.



Starting and driving
