Modify aol locations, Learn about other data applications, Configure your fax software – Nokia 3585i User Manual

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Data and fax software setup

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Modify AOL Locations

Now that your phone is configured for use by the AOL software, you need to modify your
Locations settings to use your phone as the active modem.


From the Connection Setup screen, click the Locations tab.


Double-click the number for the location you wish to use with your phone.


Click the Connect using drop-down arrow.

Windows 98/ME users, click Modem: Standard (Hayes compatible) on COMnn (where nn is COM port assigned to the DKU-
5 data cable).

Windows 2000/XP users, click Nokia CDMA 1XRTT Data Fax Modem.


Click the Speed drop-down arrow, then click 14400 bps (Windows 98/ME only).


Click OK to confirm your changes, then click Close to return to the Sign On screen.


Several other types of telecommunications applications can be used with your wireless phone and your computer, including:

Terminal Programs are used

to connect to BBS services (bulletin board system) and mainframe or mini-mainframe

computers. Quarterdeck Procomm Plus, Microsoft Works (Communications Module), R-Link, and P-Term are just a few
examples of this type of program.

Remote Administration are used to access your home or office computer remotely for file sharing or remote control.
Symantec PCAnywhere, McAfee Remote Desktop and Reach Out, Farallon’s Timbuktu, Claris Apple Remote Access, and
Attachmate EXTRA! are a few examples of this type of program.

On-line Services are used to access the Internet, or discussion and information forums within the service. On-line services
provide their own proprietary software interface for accessing their service. America Online, CompuServe, MSN (Microsoft




are just a few on-line service providers that use their own proprietary software.

Important: These examples are provided for your information only. Nokia does not endorse or provide support for any of
the above applications or services.


Before you can use your phone to send and receive fax calls, you must configure your fax software so that it uses your phone as
the active modem (rather than your existing modem).

Many of the most popular fax programs should support multiple modems connected to a PC or laptop computer, including
Symantec WinFax Pro, Smith Micro Software HotFax (version 3.02 or newer), Castelle FaxPress, etc.

Note: Data or fax calls using your wireless phone are possible only if your service provider supports digital data and fax
service. You may be required to subscribe to these services. Check with your service provider before attempting to send or
receive faxes.