National Instruments DP8400 User Manual

Page 9

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A key advantage of the DP8400 is that it has three error
flags detailing the type of error occurrence These are gen-
erated using the syndrome word in the manner shown in

Figure 11

The resulting error type identifications are shown

in Table V The three error flags allow complete error type
identification plus the unique determination of double bit
errors which will be key during the discussion of double bit
error correction Also on a memory read the DP8400 gen-
erates byte parity bits for transmission to the processor
along with the data

TL F 5012 – 15

TABLE V Error Flags after Normal Read




Error Type




No Error




Single Check Bit Error




Single Data Error




Double-Bit Error

All Others

Invalid Conditions

There are two basic memory read methods that may be
used with the DP8400 The first is shown in

Figure 9b

and is

called the error monitoring method Here the read data is
assumed to be correct and the processor immediately acts
on the data If the DP8400 detects an error the processor is
interrupted using the any error flag (AE) Using this method
there is no detection delay in most memory reads since
errors seldom occur but when an error does occur the
processor must be capable of accepting an interrupt and a
read cycle extension to obtain the corrected data from the

A second approach is called the always correct method

Figure 9c

In this case the data is always assumed to be in

error and the processor always waits for the DP8400 to ana-
lyze whether an error exits Then the corrected or un-
changed data is read from the DP8400 Although this meth-
od results in longer memory read time every memory read
will always be of the same delay except when a double error
occurs The selection of which method to use depends on
many factors including the processor system structure
and performance

Double Bit Error Correct

The probability of double bit errors in DRAM systems is rela-
tively low but as memory array sizes grow the occurrence
of these error types must be considered Adopting certain
practices such as rewriting a memory location whenever an
error is detected or using ‘‘memory scrubbing’’ techniques
can significantly reduce the probability of a double soft error
occurrence Memory scrubbing is when the system during
low usage actually accesses memory solely for the purpose
of identifying and correcting single soft errors This is an
important technique if there are segments of the memory
that are not always being accessed so that soft error occur-
rences would not be quickly found

The occurrence of a double error comprising one soft and
one hard must now be considered This type of error has a
higher probability than two soft errors The hard error may
be due to a catastrophic chip failure and a subsequent soft
error will create two errors This can be a source of concern
since most error correction chips cannot handle double er-
rors of this type Therefore most systems will ‘‘crash’’ when
a catastrophic chip failure is coupled with a soft error in the
same memory address

The DP8400 has been designed to handle just such an oc-
currence It can correct any double bit error as long as at
least one of the errors is a hard error The DP8400 does this
without the need for extra hardware required for the basic
double bit detect single bit correct system implementation
This method is called the double complement correct tech-
nique and is demonstrated in

Figure 12

using a 4-bit data

word for simplicity In this example a single hard error is
located in the most significant bit of a particular memory
location and a soft error occurs at the next bit The position
of the errors is not important since the errors may be distrib-
uted in either the data or check bit field or both First the
data word and corresponding check bits are written to this
memory location When a later read of this location occurs
step A two errors are directly reported by the DP8400 error
flags The system detects this disables memory and places
the DP8400 in the complement write mode This causes the
previously read data and check bits to be complemented in
the DP8400 and written back to the same memory address
step B writing over the previous soft error Obviously this
does not modify the cell where the hard error exits The
system then reads from the same address again but this
time it places the DP8400 in the complement read mode
step C The DP8400 again complements the memory data
and check bits and generates new check bits based on the
new data word At this point the chip detects a single bit
error in the bit position where the soft error occurred and
using the conventional single error correction procedure re-
turns corrected data to the system step D

In the second read the complement read the hard error
repeats since this bit location again receives a bit which is
complemented with respect to itself But the soft error has
been overwritten and does not repeat Effectively the mem-
ory has complemented the hard bit error position twice and
the soft bit error position only once while the DP8400 com-
plements both positions twice Therefore after the second
read there is only one error left the soft error Since this is
now a single error it can be directly corrected