National Instruments DP8400 User Manual

Page 6

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TL F 5012 – 8

FIGURE 7a Typical Power Dissipation for DP84240 at




5 5V (All 8 drivers switching simultaneously)

TL F 5012 – 9

FIGURE 7b Typical Power Dissipation for DP84244 at




5 5V (All 8 drivers switching simultaneously)

The output stages of the DP84240 and the DP84244 al-
though well matched are relatively low impedance Output
impedance is under 10X Some DRAM arrays will require
the addition of damping resistors in series with the outputs
of the drivers These damping resistors are used to minimize
undershoot which may have a harmful effect on the DRAMs
if allowed to become large This undershoot is caused by
the high transient currents from the drivers necessary to
drive the capacitive loads These high currents pass through
a distributed inductive capacitive circuit created by the
board traces and the DRAM load causing the undershoot

The damping resistor has specifically not been placed on-
chip because its value is dependent on the DRAM array size
and board layout In fact address lines will quite often re-
quire a different resistor value from the DRAM control lines
The resistor must be tuned for a particular board layout
since too high a resistor will produce an excessively slow
edge and too low a resistor will not remove the udershoot
Values for damping resistors may vary from 15X to 150X
depending on the application Placing any value of damping
resistor on-chip other than a value less than the minimum
severely restricts the application of these high performance

Another key advantage of both the DP84240 and the
DP84244 is their low input capacitance Previous address
buffer drivers (such as the DM74S240 244) have high input
capacitance Fast edges at the inputs of these drivers be-
come slower and distorted due to this dynamic input capaci-
tance This problem must be factored as an additional delay

through these drivers

a delay not shown by the data sheet

specifications Additionally the problem becomes increas-
ingly severe as multiple driver inputs are used in parallel for
bus expansion applications

Both the DP84240 and the DP84244 are designed to signifi-
cantly reduce both static and dynamic input capacitance
When these devices are driven with standard logic circuits
no appreciable overhead delay need be added to the basic
device delay specifications due to input pulse distortion


The determination of whether a DRAM system requires er-
ror correction must be resolved early in the system design
A positive answer to this question may have far-reaching
impact on board development time and component cost It
is clear however that such a decision cannot be taken

The type and origin of errors in DRAM systems are many
and can result from a number of sources (Table III) Current
estimates of soft error rates due to alpha particles in 64k
RAMs indicate some hope that these error rates will be simi-
lar or possibly better than those found in 16k DRAMs


the facts are still somewhat unclear However it is clear that
the use of 256k DRAMs and the introduction in the near
future of 1 Mbit DRAMs with even smaller memory cells and
greater chip densities will place a significant challenge on
DRAM chip designers to keep these rates down It is be-
lieved by some that error correction may become mandato-
ry in future DRAM system designs Currently the decision to
add error correction is not so straightforward It depends on
many factors not the least of which is the end user’s per-
ception of its value to system uptime and reliability

TABLE III The Sources and Types of Memory Errors



System Action


Alpha Particles

Temporary system error
may be overwritten with a


System Noise

low probability of repetition

Chip Patterns

Power Glitches

Stuck Memory Bit

Permanent failure


act as logic 1 or 0


Memory Chip Interface

Interface Circuit Failure

Generally error correction will always be found in highly reli-
able systems during DRAMs such as process control equip-
ment banking terminals and military systems where high
data integrity and minimum downtime are priorities Howev-
er the importance of error correction has grown substantial-
ly to the point that it is now used as selling feature in the
vast majority of large memory-based systems In fact some
major computer houses have adopted quidelines for use by
their designers in the development of DRAM arrays A
somewhat common set has been found

if the memory ar-

ray is on the order of

million bytes then word parity

should be used This permits the detection of single bit er-
rors but does not allow error correction When the total
memory approaches

million bytes then double bit error

detection and single bit error correction should be added

The decision to add error correction to a system is costly
both in memory overhead and control hardware Table IV