Smart i/o user’s manual, Chapter 5 analog modules – Pepper Computer Modular Computers RS485 User Manual
Page 193
SMART I/O User’s Manual
©1996 PEP Modular Computers GmbH
March 12, 1996
Page 5 - 37
Chapter 5 Analog Modules
Read Temperature Values
The HW task is prepared with a function that converts RAW values of a
channel to degrees Celsius. To enable this facility, the function
SMADCEnableConversion must be called after calling SMADCEnableRead.
If the HW task has calculated these converted values, the function
SMADCReadConverted can be used to get the value.
Before the first value is fetched from the ADC, a calibration cycle is per-
formed by the HW task. The user also has the facility to force the HW task to
execute a calibration cycle by calling either SMADCCalibrate for one
calibration or SMADCSetCyclicCalib. Then a calibration is executed if a user
defined interval has expired.
If the task calling the SMADC library function finishes, the function
SMADCDeInit should be called by this task to free memory and resources
otherwise tied up with the application.
Other Functions
For more information on other functions, refer to the description of the
functions later in this document or the example demoadc.c.
Both LEDs on the SM-PT100 module are used to show the status of the HW
task. LED1 is the upper one; LED2 is the lower one.
L E D 1
L E D 2
S t a t u s
ADC is not in use
Calibration in progress
AD conversion in progress
Standardization to reference value in progress