Pride Mobility SC3450 User Manual
Page 11

I I . S A F E T Y
WARNING! You should not operate your scooter on public streets and roadways. Be aware
that it may be difficult for traffic to see you when you are seated on your scooter. Obey all
local pedestrian traffic rules. Wait until your path is clear of traffic, and then proceed with
extreme caution.
NOTE: Safety accessories like reflectors, fluorescent flags, and various lighting packages are available to
order from your authorized Pride provider.
WARNING! Pride recommends that you do not operate your scooter in icy or slippery
conditions or on salted surfaces (i.e., walks or roads). Such use may result in an accident,
personal injury, or adversely affect the performance and safety of your scooter.
WARNING! Pride recommends that you do not expose your scooter to any type of moisture
at any time (rain, snow, mist, or wash). Such exposure can damage your scooter. Never
operate your scooter if it has been exposed to moisture until it has dried thoroughly.
Your scooter is equipped with a manual freewheel lever that when pulled up allows the scooter to be pushed. For
more information about how to place your scooter into and out of freewheel mode, see V. Your Revo.
WARNING! Do not use your scooter in freewheel mode without an attendant present.
Personal injury may result.
WARNING! Do not attempt to personally place your scooter in freewheel mode while seated
on it. Personal injury may result. Ask an attendant for assistance if necessary.
WARNING! Do not place your scooter in freewheel mode while on an incline. The scooter
could roll uncontrollably on its own, causing personal injury.
An added safeguard built into the Revo is push-too-fast protection which safeguards the scooter against gaining
excessive speed while in freewheel mode.
Push-too-fast operates differently depending on which of two conditions exists.
n If the key is switched off while in freewheel mode, the scooters controller activates regenerative braking
when you push the scooter faster than a maximum threshold which has been preprogrammed. In this case, the
controller is acting as a speed governor.
n If the key is switched on while in freewheel mode you will encounter considerable resistance at any speed.
This prevents the scooter from gaining unwanted momentum should the manual freewheel lever inadvertently
be released while driving the scooter.