Pre-ride check – Polaris Scrambler 50 User Manual
Page 30

Pre-Ride Check
If you used the storage area under the seat, make sure the seat is locked in place.
Have an adult check the engine oil level when the engine is cold. The engine is very hot
after it has been running and it can burn your skin if you touch it. Children must never
check the oil on their own. An adult should always be in charge of keeping the gas and
oil levels at the full marks.
This last check is done with the engine running. You must check to make sure that all
three ways to stop your ATV are working the way they should. Do you remember what
they are? If you can’t remember the three ways to stop your ATV, go back to page 25
and review. Then have an adult help you start your ATV and practice stopping the en-
gine all three ways.
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