Adding fault tolerance to an existing drive – Promise Technology FastTrak S150 User Manual
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Chapter 2: Getting Started
Adding Fault Tolerance to an Existing Drive
FastTrak S150 TX4 will create a mirrored array using an existing system drive
with data. You must assign the existing drive and another drive of same or larger
capacity to the Mirroring array. The BIOS will send the existing data to the new
blank drive.
Backup any necessary data before proceeding. Failure to
follow this accepted PC practice could result in data loss.
If you wish to include your current bootable drive using the
Windows NT 4.0, 2000 or XP operating system as part of a
bootable Mirrored (RAID 1) array on your FastTrak S150
TX4, You MUST install the driver software while the
bootable drive is still attached to your existing hard drive
controller. See Chapter 4.
1. Assign the drives to a Mirroring array.
2. Press Ctrl-Y to Save your selection. The window below will appear.
Do you want the disk image to be
duplicated to another or do quick
initialize or create only?
Y - Create and Duplicate
N - Create Only
I - Create and Quick Initiate
Gigabyte Boundary is automatically disabled when creating
a mirrored array (RAID 1) from an existing drive (versus
using two brand new drives). This protects the existing
drive’s partition table in order to maintain data integrity.
3. Press Y for the Create and Duplicate option. The window below will appear
asking you to select the Source drive to use. FastBuild will copy all data
from the Source drive to the Target drive.