Planar Dome EX User Manual

Page 42

background image

32 | Dome EX Display


Silent mode. Use a response file instead
of prompting user response during


Use the response file specified during
installation. If no -f1 switch is given, the
installation uses the response file in the
same directory in which setup.exe


Save any output to the log file specified
during installation. If no -f2 switch is
given, the installation saves to the log
file in the same directory in which the
response file resides. This may cause
a problem if setup is run from the CD-
ROM drive.


Run uninstallation.


Set all Dome CX or Dome EX displays to
8-bit mode (default).


Set all Dome CX or Dome EX displays to
32-bit mode. Grayscale switches are
ignored when this switch is specified.


Set 8-bit mode to static gray palette


Set 8-bit mode to dynamic gray palette.


Enable DirectDraw (default).


Disable DirectDraw.


Enable AutoOrientation for Dome EX
displays (default).


Set all displays to portrait orientation.