Peavey PageMatrix User Manual

Page 19

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4 . 0 . T y p i c a l P a g e M a t r i x O p e r a t i o n

4 . 1 . O v e r v i e w

4.1.1. The components

PageMatrix / MediaMatrix paging systems consist of five primary components:

▲ At least one PageMatrix paging station connected to the PageMatrix controller via the

proper category five cabling

▲ PageMatrix controller with the appropriate configuration file loaded

▲ PageMatrix application software

▲ A MediaMatrix audio system with PASHA running

▲ A proper PASHA.ini file configured for the ÒView FileÓ compiled

4.1.2. Connections

Paging stations connect to the PageMatrix controller via CAT 5 cabling. This cable
carries three ÒsignalsÓÐ the analog audio from the microphone, the voltage required to power
the remote paging station, and the serial control data which will determine where the
microphoneÕs audio signal will be routed by MediaMatrix.

The analog microphone signals from all paging stations are individually connected from their
outputs on the rear of the PageMatrix Controller to the signal inputs of MediaMatrix break out
boxes (ÒBoBsÓ).

One of the serial outputs on the rear of the PageMatrix Controller connects to one of the
Com Ports on the rear of the MediaMatrix frame.

4.1.3. The Desktop Paging Stations (Station Four and Station Ten)

There is no local switching of the ÒPush-to-TalkÓ microphone connected to the paging station.
In all models the microphone is active or ÒonÓ at all times. Pressing station buttons results in
activity of the serial communication to the PageMatrix Controller only.

4.1.4. The PageMatrix Controller

There are three functions of this device:

1: To provide power to the Paging stations.

2: To pass the analog microphone signals from the paging stations to the inputs of the

MediaMatrix systemÕs BoBs.