Peavey PageMatrix User Manual
Page 15

3 . 2 . 1 . L a u n c h i n g P a g e M a t r i x
Windows 95:
1. Under the Start menu, select Programs.
2. Find the PageMatrix directory and select it.
3. Locate PageMatrix , and select it.
Windows 3.1:
1. Find the PageMatrix Program Group within the Program Manager
2. Doulbe click the group, then double click the PageMatrix Icon.
Note: For systems that are not pre-loaded with PageMatrix, the MediaMatrix Program Launcher can
be used. This is found under the MediaMatrix Device/Miscellaneous menu. See appendix 5.2.
3 . 2 . 2 . S t a t i o n s a n d Z o n e s
The PageMatrix application simplifies the process of
programming the remote stations. A grid matrix is
presented that lists each button for the selected
station. HB stands for hardware button and the
following number signifies the specific button on the
station. Station buttons are displayed in rows and
potential zone assignments in columns.
To assign the button, simply left-click the desired zone
to select it (a bold outline appears around the
selection), then right-click to confirm (turns red).
Zones represent physical locations and outputs
connected via MediaMatrix BoB outputs, amplifiers, and speakers. Note: If you only use one BoB, a
maximum of 8 zones will be available.
Programming the Paging Stations with the PageMatrix application
[note: see the next chapter (Menu Bar) for additional information]
Use the ÒInsert StationÓ or ÒAdd StationÓ (Edit Menu) as necessary to include your hardware
stations in the programming. After setting up the PageMatrix application, the layout on the left
displays a column listing all the connected paging stations. To the right is a matrix list of zones at
the top and columns of buttons by number. Select the station you wish to program first, then use
the mouse to activate zones for each button. When finished, download the configuration to the
Pagematrix controller (File menu). Now your page station buttons are programmed and ready for
Naming Zone Presets When Using the Station Ten
With the Station Ten, a 20 x 2 display is provided for viewing the zone presets. The zone presets are
named within the PageMatrix application. When a 10 button station is inserted (Edit/Insert Station),
the LCD Text option appears at the top of the screen. Simply select a virtual button, then highlight
the default title and rename as you wish up to 16 characters.