Peavey PageMatrix User Manual
Page 10

2 . 3 . S t a t i o n F o u r
D e s k t o p P a g i n g S t a t i o n
Station Four
is a four button desktop station that includes an electret condenser microphone. Each
of the four button zone presets are defined and programmed by the PageMatrix software.
Front Panel
Push To Talk button:
Press and hold to enable the microphone for the
selected zone preset. The selected LED will turn
orange to denote active status while the other zone
preset LEDs become red.
Zone Preset buttons w/ LED(4):
Used to select any one of the four zone presets. A
green LED indicates the zone is available, while a red
LED indicates it is in use by another station. The LED
will blink to confirm selection.
XLR Mic Input:
Phantom powered microphone input
Mic Volume:
Recessed mic gain adjustment
Rear Panel
5-pin Aux Mic Input
For connection of a remote microphone with a push-to-talk feature. See the wiring
diagram, Appendix 5.4. The aux mic is automatically routed to zone preset one.
S t a t i o n F o u r O p e r a t i o n
LED color indicates status of each of the four Zone presets.
Green indicates the zone is available and not in use by another station.
Red indicates the zone is in use.
When the Push To Talk button is pressed, the selected zone preset LED turns orange to
confirm that it is active. Other stations connected to the system will indicate RED to confirm
that this particular zone preset is in use.
Press any zone preset button to select. The LED will blink confirming the selection.
At power-up, the unit defaults to zone one and after one minute of inactivity reverts back to
zone one.
Zone presets can be labeled in the appropriate white boxes.
If all LEDs flash red at power up, this indicates the station has not been programmed.
If all LEDs flash green at power up, this indicates the station has been programmed.
The Aux mic input (rear panel) is always routed to zone preset one.