Picture adjustments (continued), Advanced adjust, Other adjust – Panasonic PT 56DLX76 User Manual
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Advanced Adjust
Press to select “Adv. adjust.”
Press to display the Adv.
adjust menu.
Press to select each item.
Press to adjust each item.
Other Adjust
Press to select “Other adjust”.
Press to display the Other
adjust menu.
Press to select each item.
Press to adjust each item.
Video NR
Reduces noise, commonly called snow. Leave
off when receiving a strong signal.
3D Y/C
Minimizes noise and cross-color in the picture.
Select SD or HD.
• SD : Color matrix is set same as a normal TV
system (NTSC).
• HD : Color matrix is set same as a
High-Definition system (ATSC).
With a 480p signal from equipment connected
, P
) or
HDMI INPUT terminals or from the unit’s DTV
tuner, you can select SD or HD color matrix to
display the most natural color.
• This feature is available only with 480p
• The default setting with HDTV signals (720p
or 1080i) is HD color matrix.
• The default setting with NTSC signals (480i) is
SD color matrix.
MPEG NR Unique noise to DVD, STB, etc. will be reduced.
Black level Select Light or Dark [Dark : Analog channel/
VIDEO, Light : 480i/480p/720p/1080i]
Invalid for Digital channel, PC and Photo
Other detailed picture adjustments can be made.
Highly-detailed adjustments can be made.
3D I/P
Film media (taken at 24 frames per second) is
faithfully reproduced on the unit.
On: Recordings created at 24 frames per
second are shown in higher quality.
Off: Set to Off if picture appears unnatural.
Color corr. With HDMI connection, depending on the signal,
the picture may be displayed with unnatural
colors (as if red and blue are reversed). Correct
by setting the Color corr. to “On.”
P i c t u r e 2 / 2
C o l o r t e m p
N o r m a l
C o l o r m n g . O n
Z o o m a d j u s t
P C a d j u s t
O t h e r a d j u s t
A d v . a d j u s t
A d v . a d j u s t
N o r m a l
N o
D y n a m i c i r i s O n
G a m m a a d j . F u l l
B l k . e x t e n s i o n + 1 0
R l e v e l + 1 0
G l e v e l + 1 0
B l e v e l + 1 0
P i c t u r e 2 / 2
C o l o r t e m p
N o r m a l
C o l o r m n g . O n
Z o o m a d j u s t
P C a d j u s t
O t h e r a d j u s t
A d v . a d j u s t
O t h e r a d j u s t
V i d e o N R
O n
3 D Y / C f i l t e r O n
C o l o r m a t r i x S D
M P E G N R O n
B l a c k l e v e l L i g h t
3 D I / P O n
C o l o r c o r r . O n
Resets all picture adjustments to factory
default settings.
Dynamic iris
The amount of light is controlled to
project the images with high contrast.
When a 1080p (HDMI) signal is received,
this feature is “off”.
Gamma adj.
The median brightness level of the
picture can be set.
Blk. extension
You can adjust the gray level of black for
areas of the screen that are darker than
the median level.
R level
Adjusts the red component.
G level
Adjusts the green component.
B level
Adjusts the blue component.
Picture Adjustments (continued)