Linksys WPS11 User Manual
Page 16

Click the Wireless tab to allow you to change information about the Wireless
PrintServer. You can configure the SSID, Channel Number, and Network Type.
You can also turn on or off the WEP data encryption feature, as well as choose
either 64-bit or 128-bit data encryption. Clicking the Retrieve Defaults button
causes the Wireless PrintServer to retrieve the factory default settings.
The Wireless Page
Wireless PrintServer
Figure 6-6
Click the TCP/IP tab to view or change the TCP/IP values of the Wireless
PrintServer. If you are using DHCP to assign IP addresses, select DHCP
Client. By default, DHCP is enabled. If you need to assign the Wireless
PrintServer a Fixed IP Address (also known as Static IP Address), select this
option, and enter the appropriate values under Device IP Address, Subnet
Mask, and Gateway IP Address. To find your Gateway’s IP address, consult
your Gateway’s documentation. The Device IP Address and Subnet Mask are
the same as those of any PC connected to the network. If you change the
Wireless PrintServer’s IP address, make sure you that you reconnect to the
Wireless PrintServer using that new IP address. Otherwise, you will not be
communicating with the Wireless PrintServer. The Gateway IP Address is not
necessary for using the PrintServer.
Under the Connection settings, you can set how long you want the Wireless
PrintServer to delay between attempting connections to the network. You can
also specify the number of times that the Wireless PrintServer will attempt to
make a connection. Enter your chosen values in the boxes provided.
If you want to reset the settings for this screen, you can click the Retrieve
Defaults button to return to the factory default settings.
If you make any mistakes prior to saving, you can simply hit the Cancel but-
ton, which will exit the screen without making any changes.
The TCP/IP Page
Instant Wireless™ Series
Figure 6-5