Linksys EtherFast BEFSR41W User Manual
Page 21

This screen displays preset application settings as well as options for cus-
tomization of port services for other applications.
The Preset Applications are among the most widely used Internet applications.
They include the following:
• FTP (File Transfer Protocol) A protocol used to transfer files over a TCP/IP
network (Internet, UNIX, etc.). For example, after developing the HTML
pages for a Web site on a local machine, they are typically uploaded to the
Web server using FTP. FTP includes functions to log on to the network, list
directories, and copy files. FTP operations can be performed by typing com-
mands at a command prompt or via an FTP utility running under a graphical
interface such as Windows. FTP transfers can also be initiated from within a
Web browser by entering the URL preceded with ftp://.
Port Forwarding
Figure 6-13
Cable/DSL Wireless-Ready Router with 4-Port Switch
• Click on Apply to save any changes.
Using IPSec Pass Through
• This feature lets you use IPSec Pass Through. To use this feature, click on
Enable next to “IPSec Pass Through,” then click on Apply.
• To disable IPSec Pass Through, click on Disable, and then click on Apply.
Using PPTP Pass Through
• Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol is the method used to enable VPN
(Virtual Private Network) sessions. To enable this feature, click on
Enable next to PPTP Pass Through, then click Apply.
• To disable this feature, click on Disable next to PPTP Pass Through, then
click on Apply.
Using L2TP Pass Through
• This feature lets you use L2TP Pass Through. To use this feature, click on
Enable next to “L2TP Pass Through,” and then click on Apply.
• To disable L2TP Pass Through, click on Disable, and then click on Apply.
Using Remote Management
• This feature allows you to manage your Router from a remote location, via the
Internet. To enable this feature, click on Enable, and enter the desired port num-
ber from 1025 to 65535 (By default it is set to 8080). Then click on Apply.
Using remote management is easy. Once you have enabled remote management,
enter http://
into the browser of any PC on the network. Press the Enter key. You will then be
able to alter the Router configuration settings.
• To disable Remote Management, click on Disable, then click on Apply.
Using Default MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit)
This feature allows you to specify the largest packet size permitted for network
transmission. Select Enable and enter the value desired. It is recommended that
you leave this value within the 1200 to 1500 range. Most DSL users should use
1492. When this function is disabled, the MTU is set at a default value of 1500.
Instant Broadband