Linksys 10/100 User Manual
Page 41

EtherFast 10/100 PrintServers
Instant EtherFast
The setup is complete. The PrintServer will automatically log into your file
server and make itself available for use. If you run Console Monitor or other
NetWare monitoring software, you will be able to verify the PrintServer’s
NetWare 4.x with DOS - Remote Printer Mode
The instructions below explain how to configure the PrintServer for remote
Printer Mode, and establish communication between it and the rest of your
NetWare 4.x network in a DOS environment.
Before you begin, make sure you have already set up a NetWare print server
resource on a file server or elsewhere. You will need the name of the print
server before you begin. See page 18 for more information about print server
1. From a computer, log into your NetWare network as Administrator.
2. Run NetWare’s PCONSOLE program from DOS.
3. Choose Change Context from the main menu. Enter the name of the con-
text where you want to install the PrintServer. For more information about
contexts, see your NetWare documentation.
Creating Queues
1. Select Print Queues from the main menu.
2. Press Insert on your keyboard when the Print Queues field appears.
3. Type in the name of the queue you want to create (example: MARKET-
ING) and press Enter.
4. You will be asked to supply the print queue’s volume where the queued
jobs will be stored. Press Insert. The Object,Class browser window will
5. Use the arrow keys to move through the various objects and classes until
you find the volume you want. Highlight it and press Enter.
6. The queue will show up in the Print Queues list field. Repeat these steps
for each queue you want to create. When you’re finished, press Esc to
return to the main menu.
Configuring the Print Server Hardware
1. Run the PSCONFIG program located in the D:\Utility\DOS directory on
the Linksys PrintServer CD.
2. The program will display an Active Device List table with a list of active
PrintServers on the network. Each PrintServer has a name, default name,
network number, and number of available ports.
3. Select the PrintServer device you just installed and press Enter. A list of
available options will appear.
Choose Set to NetWare PrintServer mode from the list and press Enter.
4. For the Print Server Name, use the same name you used in the Create
Print Servers section on the previous page.
5. For
NDS Tree Name, choose the tree where the PrintServer was
6. For
the NDS Context, type in the Context name you wrote down in the
Assign Printers step on the previous page.
Leave the Master File Server field empty.
7. Enter a number from 1 to 255 in the Polling Queue, which means how
many seconds the PrintServer waits before polling the queue for waiting
print jobs.
8. If turned on, Job Notification by Connection ID will automatically notify
the file server after a job is complete, allowing the administrator to use
PCONSOLE or other programs to monitor users’ printing.
9. Pick the frame types you want the PrintServer to support.
10. If you’d like to change the PrintServer’s configuration password (required
for changing the PrintServer’s internal settings), do so by clicking on
Change Password.
11. When you finish, click on Execute Setup to save the PrintServer’s new
changes. Close down the PSCONFIG program.