Lancom Systems LCOS 3.50 User Manual
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LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50
10.3.4 Configuration with WEBconfig or Telnet
11.1.1 Standardized radio transmission by IEEE
11.1.2 Operation modes of Wireless LANs and base stations
11.2 Developments in WLAN security
11.3 Protecting the wireless network
11.4 Configuration of WLAN parameters
11.4.3 The physical WLAN interfaces
11.4.4 The logical WLAN interfaces
11.4.5 Additional WLAN functions
11.5 Establishing outdoor wireless networks
11.5.1 Geometrical layout of the transmission path
11.5.3 Emitted power and maximum distance
11.5.4 Transmission power reduction
12 Office communications with LANCAPI
12.1 What are the advantages of LANCAPI?
12.2 The client and server principle
12.2.1 Configuring the LANCAPI server
12.2.2 Installing the LANCAPI client