Lancom Systems LCOS 3.50 User Manual
Page 102

LANCOM Reference Manual LCOS 3.50
Chapter 7: Routing and WAN connections
Routing and
Two methods of channel bundling
Static channel bundling
If a connection is established with static channel bundling, the LANCOM
tries to establish the second B channel immediately after setting up the
first B channel. If this does not work because, for example, this channel is
already taken by another device or a different connection within the
LANCOM, the connection attempt is automatically and regularly repeated
until the second channel is available for it.
Dynamic channel bundling
In the case of a connection with dynamic channel bundling, the LANCOM
first only establishes one B channel and begins transmitting data. If, dur-
ing this connection, it determines that the throughput rate lies above a
certain threshold value, it tries to add the second channel.
If the second channel is established and the data throughput rate drops
below the threshold value, the LANCOM waits for the set B2 timeout
period and then automatically closes the channel again. In this way, the
per minute charges are fully utilized so long as rate information is com-
municated during the connection. Therefore, the LANCOM only uses the
second B channel if and as long as it really needs it.
Here's how to configure your system to combine channels
The configuration of channel bundling for a connection is made up of three
Select a communication layer for the remote station from the layer list that
has bundling activated in the Layer-2 options. Select from the following
Layer-2 options:
according to the LZS data compression procedure (Stac)
reduces the amount of data if the data hasn't already been com-
pressed. This procedure is also supported by routers of other manu-
facturers and by ISDN adapters under Windows operating systems.
uses two B channels per connection.
uses both (compression and channel bundling) and pro-
vides the maximum possible data transmission performance.
Now create a new entry in the name list. When doing so, watch the hold-
ing times for the connection. Please observe the following rules: