Lucent Technologies Network Access Module User Manual

Page 51

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Observing Boot Messages


Press the reboot button.


Observe the boot messages displayed on the console screen.

Note – Boot messages vary slightly, depending on the version of the PROM and

The following example is from an INA module:

INA PROM 2.33, 8/19/99
Testing System Clock...OK
Sizing System Memory...4MB FPM
CPU 486DX5-133 +Flash
Starting FLASH Boot...
Flash Memory ... Am29F016 4096K
16384 Verifying Checksum..OK
Starting Loader in flash
Testing High Memory ... . 4096K
Setting up ACC 2188 PCI Controller
Found 15360K PCI Memory at 0x20000000
Testing PCI Memory block 0x20000000-0x20efffff ...Passed
Total of 15360K PCI Memory Ready
block alloc 425 870400
block_alloc: cpu<0> control 0026ddf0 free_count<425>
Flash Memory 0... Am29F016 4096K
Flash type Am29F016 with 4096K of memory in 64 cells and 4032
Initializing MT8986 TDM Chip ...Ok
INA ComOS V4.1.5b2.
100R HV=01 FBV=00 FAV=11 FAS=01.
Initializing Rockwell Bt8472 HDLC
Found 3 ports....
e_loopback_test: packet buffer at 200d2080
ether0 active ... PCI-Master
stac_hw_init: Initializing STAC hardware, addr = 0x0ffff800
Hardware compression (9711)
Hardware Compression Enabled
Running ComOS...

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