Little Wonder Xtra User Manual

Page 12

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FIG 11

10. Sideways Tilting: Lower either left or right

handle to achieve angle cutting (Fig 12D).

11. Clutch: The Xtra Edger is equipped with

a centrifugal clutch. DO NOT run edger at
low speeds or, if blade is jammed, at high
speeds as clutch shoes will prematurely
wear out and cause damage.





With both arms fully extended downwards
(see illustration on front cover), hold both
handle grips firmly. With the engine
running, pull the throttle trigger to increase
engine speed.


If blade is not deep enough, or if digging
is too deep, adjust blade height or slightly
raise or lower handles to suit depth required
(Fig. 11). However, it is always more
comfortable and relaxed to have arms fully
extended downwards.


As cutting action begins, push the lawn
edger forward so that the blade can cut the
edge as you move forward (Fig. 12A).


Continue at a moderate pace until you are
familiar with the controls and the handling
of the Xtra Edger.


If blade jams or stops in the ground
(Fig. 12B), lower handles or pull back unit
and recommence. Control engine and
cutting speed to suit work being done.
When cutting efficiently, engine speed
should be full throttle under load.


Edging along Concrete edge: For position
of blade, align edge guide on top of blade
cover with edge of concrete. If blade hits
concrete, lower handles and re-position
blade at side of concrete. Even with the
grass growing over the concrete and you
cannot see the edge, you can feel the edge
of the concrete with the rotating blade by
slightly sideways tilting the handles of
the edger away from the concrete so that
the blade tilts towards the concrete and
touches or “kisses” the concrete edge and
acts as a guide (Fig 12C)
. Edger blades are
made from high tensile hardened spring
steel and will last a long time. Once the
edge is established the second and
subsequent times around are very fast
especially when the blade kisses or touches
the concrete edge (Fig 12C).