Definition of terms – Krell Industries 7.1 User Manual
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Krell Home Theater Standard 7.1
Following are the definitions of key terms used in your owner’s refer-
ence manual:
A symmetrical input or output circuit that has equal impedance from
both input terminals to a common ground reference point. The indus-
try standard for professional and sound recording installations, bal-
anced connections have 6 dB more gain than single-ended connec-
tions and allow the use of long interconnect cables. Balanced con-
nections are immune to induced noise from the system or the envi-
Multichannel (DB-25)
A balanced input or output circuit that allows for the simultaneous
connection of all audio outputs plus one 5 VDC (5 Volt trigger) via a
single cable. DB-25 inputs and outputs are becoming popular for
connecting an audio/video surround sound processor and power
amplifiers, simplifying the integration of the two components into your
A two-wire input or output circuit. Use care when using single-ended
connections as the ground connection is made last and broken first.
Turn the system off prior to making or breaking single-ended connec-
tions. Single-ended connections are not recommended for connec-
tions requiring long cable runs.
When the power switch on the back panel is placed in the down
position and LEDs turn off, the component is off.
Stand-by Mode
When the HTS is connected to AC power and the back panel power
switch is in the up (on) position, the red stand-by LED illuminates.
This indicates that the component is in stand-by mode, a low power
consumption status that keeps the audio and regulator circuits at idle.
Krell recommends leaving the component in the stand-by mode
when it is not playing music.
Operational Mode
When the component is in the stand-by mode, and you press the
power button on the front panel or the power key on the remote con-
trol, the blue power LED illuminates. The component is in the opera-
tional mode and is ready to play music.
Definition of Terms