Add remote management ips – SMC Networks SMCBR21VPN User Manual

Page 21

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Add Remote Management IPs

STEP 1﹒Add the following setting in Permitted IPs of Administration:


„ Name: Enter master
„ IP Address: Enter
„ Netmask: Enter
„ Service: Select Ping and HTTP
„ Click


„ Complete add new permitted IPs (Figure1-4)

Figure1-3 Setting Permitted IPs WebUI

Figure1-4 Complete Add New Permitted IPs

To make Permitted IPs be effective, it must cancel the Ping and WebUI selection

in the WebUI of SMC BR21VPN that Administrator enter. (LAN, WAN, or DMZ Interface)

Before canceling the WebUI selection of Interface, must set up the Permitted IPs first,

otherwise, it would cause the situation of cannot enter WebUI by appointed Interface.