Chapter 15 log – SMC Networks SMCBR21VPN User Manual

Page 208

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Chapter 15 LOG


Log records all connections that pass through the SMC BR21VPN’s control

policies. The information is classified as Traffic Log, Event Log, and Connection


Traffic Log’s parameters are setup when setting up policies. Traffic logs record

the details of packets such as the start and stop time of connection, the duration

of connection, the source address, the destination address and services

requested, for each control policy.

Event Log record the contents of System Configurations changes made by the

Administrator such as the time of change, settings that change, the IP address

used to log in…etc.

Connection Log records all of the connections of SMC BR21VPN. When the

connection occurs some problem, the Administrator can trace back the problem

from the information.

How to use the Log

The Administrator can use the log data to monitor and manage the device

and the networks. The Administrator can view the logged data to evaluate

and troubleshoot the network, such as pinpointing the source of traffic
