Sony Ericsson XCI-V3 User Manual
Page 28
External Control Commands
Camera Shutter: Trigger Polarity Setting
■ Trigger Polarity Setting
[Command] shutter -p POL
[Parameter] POLarity: posi, nega
Sets the polarity of the external trigger
shutter -p posi
■ Current Trigger Polarity Setting
[Command] shutter -p
Displays the current polarity of the
external trigger pulse.
■ Help of the Trigger Polarity Setting
[Command] shutter -p -
Displays the help of the Trigger
Polarity Setting command.
Camera Shutter: Trigger Delay Setting
■ Trigger Delay Setting
[Command] shutter –d DLY
tdly DLY
[Parameter] DeLaY: 0 to 4095 [ms] (1 step)
Sets the trigger delay.
shutter -d 100
■ Current Trigger Delay Setting
[Command] shutter -d
Displays the current trigger delay.
■ Help of the Trigger Delay Setting
[Command] shutter -d -
tdly -
Displays the help of the Trigger Delay
Setting command.
Camera Shutter: All Settings
■ Camera Shutter Settings
[Command] shutter -m MODE -s SPD -p POL
-d DLY
[Parameter] MODE: monitor, trigger
SPeeD: 2, 1, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60,
1/100, 1/120, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000,
1/2000, 1/4000, 1/10000, 1/25000,
1/50000, 1/100000 (t-width) [sec]
POLarity: posi, nega
DeLaY: 0 to 4095 [ms]
Makes the multiple camera settings at
a once.
mode, shutter speed to 1/100 sec,
trigger pulse to negative, trigger delay
to 300 ms
shutter -m trigger -s 1/100 -p nega
-d 300
■ Current Camera Shutter Setting
[Command] shutter
Displays the current camera shutter
■ Help of the Camera Shutter Setting
[Command] shutter -
Displays the help of the Camera
Shutter Setting command.
Camera Look up Table: GAMMA Settings
■ GAMMA Settings
[Command] lut GAM –t THR
[Parameter] GAMma: off, 0.45, 2.2, reverse, bin
THReshold: 1 to 1023 (available
only when the gamma is set to bin)
Sets the gamma of the LUT (look up
γ = 1 (OFF)
lut off
• Setting the gamma to binarization
(threshold to 512)
lut bin -t 512