Sony Ericsson XCI-V3 User Manual
Page 27

External Control Commands
Camera Administrator: Pedestal Level
■ Pedestal Level Setting
[Command] pedestal LVL
[Parameter] LeVeL: 0 to 255 (1step)
Sets the pedestal level.
pedestal 128
■ Auto Pedestal Level Settings
[Command] pedestal AUTO or pedestal AUTO
[Parameter] AUTO: auto
X: x-coordinate of the start point of the
rectangular area of the image data to
be used for adjustment
Y: y-coordinate of the start point of the
rectangular area of the image data to
be used for adjustment
*The size of the rectangular area of the
image to be adjusted is 160
× 128 for
the XCI-SX1 and 80
× 64 for the
XCI-V3. You are allowed to not input
the X and Y parameters. (When the X
and Y parameters are not input, the
rectangular area of the image data to
be used for adjustment is the center of
the image area.)
Adjusts the pedestal level
automatically using the x-coordinate
and y-coordinate of the top left point
of the rectangular area
pedestal auto 560 448
■ Current Pedestal Level Setting
[Command] pedestal
Displays the current pedestal level.
■ Help of the Pedestal Level Setting
[Command] pedestal -
Displays the help of the Pedestal Level
Setting command.
Camera Shutter: Shutter Mode Setting
■ Shutter Mode Setting
[Command] shutter -m MODE
shutter soft
[Parameter] MODE: monitor, trigger
Sets the shutter mode and generates a
software trigger.
shutter -m monitor
• Generating a software trigger
shutter soft
A software trigger function is valid only when the
shutter mode is set to trigger mode.
■ Current Shutter Mode Setting
[Command] shutter -m
Displays the current shutter mode.
■ Help of the Shutter Mode Setting
[Command] shutter -m -
Displays the help of the Shutter Mode
Setting command.
Camera Shutter: Shutter Speed Setting
■ Shutter Speed Settings
[Command] shutter -s SPD
[Parameter] SPeeD: 2, 1, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60,
1/100, 1/120, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000,
1/2000, 1/4000, 1/10000, 1/25000,
1/50000, 1/100000(t-width) [sec]
Sets the shutter speed.
shutter -s 1/30
■ Current Shutter Speed Setting
[Command] shutter -s
Displays the current shutter speed.
For the XCI-SX1, when the shutter speed is set to 1/
15 sec, the display depends on the shutter mode
currently set.
• When the shutter mode is set to “monitor”
shutter -s
• When the shutter mode is set to “trigger”
shutter -s
■ Help of the Shutter Speed Setting
[Command] shutter -s -
Displays the help of the Shutter Speed
Setting command.