Sony Ericsson XCI-V3 User Manual

Page 26

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External Control Commands

■ Help of the Date Setting

[Command] setup date -



Displays the help of the Date Setting


You can set the DATE settings when NTP setting is
set to off.
When NTP setting is set to on, the following
messages are displayed.

setup date 10-01-2006
warning: NTP mode is currently set to

on; please turn it off to
manually set the date.

Time Settings

■ Time Settings

[Command] setup time TIME
[Parameter] TIME: HH:MM:SS

Sets the time.

Setting the time to 15:00:00

setup time 15:00:00
setup save complete time


Time Setting is available only when the NTP Setting
is set to OFF.
When the NTP Setting is set to ON, the following
message appears.

setup time 15:00:00
warning: NTP mode is currently set to

on; please turn it off to
manually set the time.

■ Current Time Setting

[Command] setup time

Displays the current time.

■ Help of the Time Setting

[Command] setup time -



Displays the help of the Time Setting

Web Monitor Settings

■ Web Monitor Settings

[Command] setup web MON/RATE/SIZE/QUA
[Parameter] MONitor: on, off

frame RATE: 1 to 5 (1 step)
view SIZE: 320, 160
image QUAlity: 1 to 10 (1 step)


Sets the Web monitor.

Example of the Web monitor settings

setup web on/2/320/5
setup web complete

■ Current Web Monitor Setting

[Command] setup web

Displays the current web monitor

■ Help of the Web Monitor Setting

[Command] setup web -



Displays the help of the Web Monitor
Setting command.

Camera Administrator: CDS Gain Settings

■ CDS Gain Settings

[Command] cds GAIN
[Parameter] GAIN: 0 to 63 (1step)

Sets the CDS gain manually.

Example of the CDS gain setting

cds 63
camera cds complete

■ Auto CDS Gain Settings

[Command] cds AUTO

cds AUTO X Y

[Parameter] AUTO: auto

X: x-coordinate of the start point of the
rectangular area of the image data to
be used for adjustment
Y: y-coordinate of the start point of the
rectangular area of the image data to
be used for adjustment
*The size of the rectangular area of the
image to be adjusted is 160

× 128 for

the XCI-SX1 and 80

× 64 for the XCI-

V3. You are allowed to not input the X
and Y parameters. (When the X and Y
parameters are not input, the
rectangular area of the image data to
be used for adjustment is the center of
the image area.)


Sets the CDS gain automatically.

Adjusting the CDS gain automatically

using the x-coordinate and y-
coordinate of the top left point of the
rectangular area
cds auto 560 448
camera cds complete

■ Current CDS Gain Setting

[Command] cds

Displays the current CDS gain setting.

■ Help of the CDS Gain Setting

[Command] cds -



Displays the help of the CDS Gain
Setting command.