Clearing display characters automatically, Changing the translucence ratio of the characters, Ohdulqj glvsod\ fkdudfwhuv dxwrpdwlfdoo – Sony CDX-M1000TF User Manual
Page 25: Xwr&ohdu 6shfwuxp dqdo\]hu3dqr, Udpd6fuhhq 6dyhu prgh, Kdqjlqj wkh wudqvoxfhqfh udwlr ri wkh, Fkdudfwhuv, Ohqg/hyho 6shfwuxp dqdo\]hu, 3dqrudpd6fuhhq 6dyhu prgh, 25 clearing display characters automatically
Clearing display characters
— AutoClear (Spectrum analyzer/Panorama/
Screen Saver mode)
PRPHQW LQ 6SHFWUXP DQDO\]HU3DQRUDPD6FUHHQ 6DYHU PRGH :KHQ VHW WR 21 \RX FDQ GLVSOD\ WKH GLVSOD\ FKDUDFWHUV RQO\ ZKHQ WKH GLVF DOEXP RU WUDFN LV FKDQJHG RU WKH VRXUFH RU GLVSOD\ PRGH LV FKDQJHG 1 Press (SOURCE) to select a source (radio, CD, MD or AUX). 2 Press (GRAPHIC) . 3 Press < or , repeatedly to select “AutoClear.” (DFK WLPH \RX SUHVV < RU , WKH LWHP FKDQJHV DV IROORZV AutoClear y BlendLevel y Plaque y Color Sel y AutoImage y AutoClear 4 Press (ENTER) . 5 Press (ENTER) . 6 Press M or m to select “ON.” 7R FDQFHO WKH $XWR &OHDU IXQFWLRQ VHOHFW ³2))´ 7 Press (ENTER) . 8 Press (GRAPHIC) . 7KH GLVSOD\ UHWXUQV WR WKH QRUPDO GLVSOD\ Note Changing the translucence —BlendLevel (Spectrum analyzer/Panorama/ GHQVLW\ RI WKH FKDUDFWHUV LQ WKH 6SHFWUXP DQDO\]HU3DQRUDPD6FUHHQ 6DYHU PRGH %\ VHWWLQJ WKLV OHYHO GRZQ \RX FDQ DGMXVW WKH FKDUDFWHUV LQ WKH GLVSOD\ WR DSSHDU RSDTXH 1 Press (SOURCE) to select a source (radio, CD, MD or AUX). 2 Press (GRAPHIC) . 3 Press < or , repeatedly to select “BlendLevel.” (DFK WLPH \RX SUHVV < RU , WKH LWHP FKDQJHV DV IROORZV AutoClear y BlendLevel y Plaque y Color Sel y AutoImage y AutoClear 4 Press (ENTER) . 5 Press (ENTER) . 6 Press < or , to select the permeation ratio (Level 0-15). 7KH ORZHU WKH OHYHO WKH SDOHU WKH GLVSOD\ FKDUDFWHUV 7 Press (ENTER) . 8 Press (GRAPHIC) . 7KH GLVSOD\ UHWXUQV WR WKH QRUPDO GLVSOD\ Notes translucence ratio of the display characters. • While “Plaque” is set to “ON,” “BlendLevel” has no effect, regardless of setting.
In Standard/Clock mode, you cannot make the display
characters disappear automatically.
ratio of the characters
Screen Saver mode)
• In Standard/Clock mode, you cannot change the