Locating a disc by name, List-up, Radio – Sony CDX-M1000TF User Manual
Page 15: Storing stations automatically, Best tuning memory (btm), Rfdwlqj d glvf e\ qdph, Lvwxs, 6wrulqj vwdwlrqv dxwrpdwlfdoo, Hvw 7xqlqj 0hpru\ %70, On 15
Locating a disc by name
— List-up
(With an optional CD unit with the CD TEXT/
CUSTOM FILE function, or an MD unit)
1 RU IRU &' 7(;7 GLVFV
2 1 Press (LIST) . 7KH DVVLJQHG GLVF QDPH DSSHDUV LQ WKH GLVSOD\ 2 Press M or m repeatedly to select the desired disc. 3 Press (ENTER) .
Locating a disc by its custom name: when you
Locating discs by the CD TEXT information: when Note Tip (LIST) . Radio 7KH XQLW FDQ VWRUH XS WR VWDWLRQV SHU EDQG )0 )0 )0 0: DQG /: Caution :KHQ WXQLQJ LQ VWDWLRQV ZKLOH GULYLQJ XVH %HVW 7XQLQJ 0HPRU\ %70 WR SUHYHQW DFFLGHQWV Storing stations — Best Tuning Memory (BTM) 7KH XQLW VHOHFWV WKH VWDWLRQV ZLWK WKH VWURQJHVW VLJQDOV ZLWKLQ WKH VHOHFWHG EDQG DQG VWRUHV WKHP LQ WKH RUGHU RI WKHLU IUHTXHQF\ 1 Press (SOURCE) repeatedly until “ (tuner icon)” or the band appears. 2 Press (MODE) repeatedly to select the band. 3 Press (MENU) . 4 Press < or , repeatedly to select “Edit.” 5 Press (ENTER) . 6 Press M or m repeatedly to select “BTM.” 7 Press (ENTER) . 7KH VWDWLRQV ZLWK WKH VWURQJHVW VLJQDOV ZLWKLQ WKH VHOHFWHG EDQG DUH VWRUHG LQ RUGHU RI IUHTXHQF\ LQ WKH PHPRU\ 7R FDQFHO VWRULQJ SUHVV (ENTER) ZKLOH VWRULQJ WKH VWDWLRQV 8 Press (MENU) . 7KH GLVSOD\ UHWXUQV WR WKH QRUPDO GLVSOD\ Notes signals, some stored preset numbers will retain their • When a preset number is indicated in the display, the unit starts storing stations from the one currently
assign a name for a CD (page 14) or an MD.
you play a CD TEXT disc on a CD unit with the CD
TEXT function.
In the case of CD TEXT discs and MDs, some letters
cannot be displayed.
To stop selecting and return to the normal display,
• If only a few stations can be received due to weak
former settings.