SMC Networks Gateway TTTM5800X User Manual

Page 32

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2 Choke Cherry Road, Rockville, MD 20850 Tel: 301.309.8500 Fax: 301.309.8851

WEP Key type


64-bit WEP with 5 characters

Key1= 2e3f4

64-bit WEP with 10 hexadecimal digits
('0-9', 'A-F')

Key1= 123456789A

128 bit (26 Hex Digit)

WEP Key type


128-bit WEP with 13 characters

Key1= 2e3f4w345ytre

128-bit WEP with 26 hexadecimal digits
('0-9', 'A-F')

Key1= 112233445566778899AABBCDEF

Short for Wi-Fi Protected Access, a Wi-Fi standard that was designed to improve upon the security features of WEP.
WPA has the following improvements over the WEP.

Improved data encryption through the temporal key integrity protocol (TKIP) or AES. TKIP scrambles the keys using a
hashing algorithm and, by adding an integrity-checking feature, ensures that the keys haven’t been tampered with.

*Remember that any client that does not support the WPA standard will not be able to handshake / authenticate with
WPA enabled.



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