Sonic Blue MVP841 User Manual

Page 22

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How to Set the Other Settings

The Other Settings Menu provides access to four additional

operating function options to enhance your enjoyment of

the MVP841.

Note: If a disc is loaded, the player must be in STOP mode

before any SETUP operation can occur.

1. Press the SETUP push-button to access the Initial

Setup menu. Refer to figure 19.

2. Press push-button Number 9 to access the Other Set-

tings menu and the following four Submenu choices

will appear.

1. Still Mode

2. Audio during Search

3. TV Mode (4:3)

4. D Range Compression

5. Still Picture Display

6. Black Level Control

Still Mode

The Default Still Mode setting of Automatic should nor-

mally be satisfactory when viewing a single video frame at

a time. If you encounter video picture jittering with certain

discs, select Field instead of Automatic to correct the prob-


Press push-button Number 1 and the following two

Submenu choices will appear.

1. Automatic (Factory Default setting)

2. Field

Press push-button Number 1 to select Automatic.

Press 2 to select the Field. Use when jittering occurs in

the pictures.

Figure 19

Figure 20

After a selection is made, the Other Settings Menu will re-

appear. If all setup adjustments are complete, press push-

button Number 0 to exit to the Initial Setup Menu. Press 0

again to exit the Initial Setup Menu.

Audio During Search

This allows you to hear audio during FF (Fast Forward)

operation while playing a DVD; it allows you to hear audio

during FF (Fast Forward) and REV (Reverse) operation

while playing a CD.

Press push-button Number 2 and the following two

submenu choices will appear.

1. On

2. Off

Press 1 to select On, Audio will be heard.

Press 2 to select Off, no Audio will be heard

After a selection is made, the Other Settings Menu will re-

appear. If all setup adjustments are complete, press push-

button Number 0 to exit to the Initial Setup Menu. Press 0

again to exit the Initial Setup Menu.

TV Mode (4:3)

The TV Mode (4:3) Feature is used only with a conven-

tional TV. 4:3 refers to the horizontal to vertical screen size

ratio. TV Mode (4:3) allows you to select the video format

of your choice on certain DVD’s that are single sided with

two layers and have no Format Selection Menu. One layer

will contain the Video in Pan and Scan Format, and the

other layer in Letterbox Format. Refer to figure 20