Instruction manual – CONYX ECS0016 User Manual
Page 106

Instruction Manual
Please Note: “/bin/config” commands can be combined into one com-
mand for convenience.
Serial Port Configuration
Serial Port Settings
To setup serial port 5 to use the following properties (denoted in bolded
text), you would need to issue the following commands from the com-
mand line (denoted in italicized text):
Baud Rate: 115200
# /bin/config –-set=config.ports.port5.speed=115200
Parity: None
# /bin/config –-set=config.ports.port5.parity=None
Data Bits: 8
# /bin/config –-set=config.ports.port5.charsize=8
Stop Bits: 1
# /bin/config –-set=config.ports.port5.stop=1
Flow Control: Software
# /bin/config –-set=config.ports.port5.flow=Software
The following command will synchronize the live system with the new
# /bin/config –-run=serialconfig
Note that supported serial port baud-rates are ‘50’, ‘75’, ‘110’, ‘134’, ‘150’,
‘200’, ‘300’, ‘600’, ‘1200’, ‘1800’, ‘2400’, ‘4800’, ‘9600’, ‘19200’, ‘38400’,
‘57600’, ‘115200’, and ‘230400’.
Supported parity values are ‘None’, ‘Odd’, ‘Even’, ‘Mark’ and ‘Space’.
Supported data-bits values are ‘8’, ‘7’, ‘6’ and ‘5’.