Soundscape mixpander – Solid State Logic Soundscape Mixer User Manual

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Soundscape Mixpander

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Other mixer column input/output configurations 

In addition to all the above, mixer column can also be created with 4, 6 or 8 inputs and outputs.
These can be used for example to handle receive multitrack submixes via ADAT or AES/EBU

Input and output selection

Each mixer column has at least one (built-in) user selectable input and output and may have any
number of send elements. These can be set to use any of the physical inputs and outputs, internal
mixer buses or PC audio streams. In Mixer Edit mode, selecting the I/O and DSP Assign tool and
clicking the input, output or send element will call up a menu showing all the possible routing
options. The example below show the selection menu for a 6 channel input element with an XLogic
Alpha-Link MADI SX connected to the SSL Soundscape Mixpander that the mixer column is
running on:

There are no restrictions to how you can use the inputs, outputs, buses or streams, and every
signal routed to an output or bus is mixed in equal proportion (after the output or send fader). For
instance, you could have 8 stereo mixer columns with inputs ANA 1-2 U1 (or BUS 1-2) as their
input, and BUS 3-4 as the output routing. You could then use different EQ settings to split the
signal, process it with different effects (e.g., for a multiband compressor) and recombine the signals
at BUS 3-4. You could even select the same bus as the input and output of a mixer column, but be
careful as you can have digital feedback this way!

NOTE: If the output(s) from several mixer columns are sent directly to an external output (or group 
of  outputs),  it  is  not  possible  to  view  the  combined  output  signal  in  order  to  check  for  overload. 
Therefore, it is advisable instead to route the mixer column outputs to a bus, and then to create an 
additional  mixer  column  which  has  that  bus  as  its  input.  This  mixer  column  should  have  a  fader 
with peakmeter, for monitoring the combined signal, and its output(s) can be routed to the required 
external output(s). This also provides a master fader for the combined signal.