Soundscape mixpander – Solid State Logic Soundscape Mixer User Manual
Page 22

Soundscape Mixpander
Page 22 of 109
To dock the Toolbar again, drag the Toolbar window back to the top, bottom, right side or left side
of the main SSL Soundscape Mixer window. Release the mouse button when the outline is shown
as a solid line.
DSP power limit
The “P” value reported in the Mixer window’s Status Bar is the average percentage per DSP of the
available clock cycles which is required to run the SSL Soundscape Mixer at the selected Sample
Rate (taking the Varispeed setting into account if
applicable). The “M” value is the average percentage per
DSP of the available memory resources required to run
the Mixer. In most cases, if either of these values exceeds
100% when a Mixer is created, a warning message is
Click OK to close the dialog box.
If the “P” value only exceeds 100% for one of the DSPs, the status bar will display a processing
overrun (“PO”) warning as shown below:
If the “M” value exceeds 100% or if both values exceed 100% for one of the DSPs, the Status Bar
will inform you that the Mixer is inactive (“INACT”):
Muting or deleting some elements will reduce the values and reactivate the Mixer.
However, the P=xx% value is not completely accurate, because some plug-in elements report
inaccurate processing cycles to the SSL Soundscape Mixer. This means that depending on what
kind of elements are used, some mixers configurations can't reach or may exceed the P=100% value
for one of the DSPs without the “PO” warning appearing.
If a DSP actually cannot perform as required, it will generate a processing overrun error warning
(PO will be displayed in the Status Bar).
The mixer will also be temporarily muted, although this may not be noticeable if the processing
overrun only lasts for a very short time. Please also read the Status Bar chapter for information on
error messages.