Soundscape mixpander – Solid State Logic Soundscape Mixer User Manual
Page 32

Soundscape Mixpander
Page 32 of 109
For stereo in ‐ mono to stereo out, only the left side of the stereo input is connected through the
mixer column, but it splits into stereo at the pan control. This configuration, just like the stereo in -
mono out configuration described above, can be used to insert a 2 in/1 out mixer element such as a
mono compressor with side-chain input. The only difference is that the output can be panned left
or right as required with the mono to stereo output element.
Stereo and mono to stereo outputs can be selected with Equal Power Panning (EPP menu options).
In this case, when the balance or pan control is moved to one side, the level for that side is
gradually increased by up to 3dB to compensate for the overall loss of power from the other side.
A typical stereo in - mono to stereo out
mixer column, as seen within the Mixer.
The same mixer column, presented
as a connection diagram.
1 2
1 2